Doctoral Studies

Doctoral Studies


PhD programs in the University of Crete School of Medicine are exclusively research based on a specific subject depending on the student’s background and research interests. An application for PhD studies to our School of Medicine should be accompanied by a recommendation from a member of our faculty (it is actually a joint application of a PhD candidate and a faculty member) Candidates are requested to prepare an application in collaboration with one of our School members whose contact details are on our website The Board of the School Members then decides whether an application can be accepted or not.


According to Greek law, to apply for a position in a PhD program in a Greek University, you need to have a recognition of equivalence and/or correspondence of your degrees from the Hellenic National Academic Recognition and Information Center ( According to Law 4957/2022, the initial contact with DOATAP after a candidate applies for PhD studies is made by the Programme ‘s Secretariat.

Eligible Candidates


Minimum duration of PhD studies: 3 years


  1. PhD Proposal Submission – Application.
  2. Curriculum Vitae.
  3. Photocopies of the degrees (BSc/ MSc) plus
    1. official translation in English or Greek for non-Greek degrees.
    2. The recognition of equivalence and/or correspondence of your degrees (BSc/ MSc) from the Hellenic National Academic Recognition and Information Center (DOATAP) for non-Greek degrees
  4. Official Statement (law 1599/1986) that you are not currently enrolled in another University for doctoral studies in the same field of expertise.
  5. Any necessary documentation (photocopies) for at least 2 eligibility criteria (if required) and your English language proficiency.

Eligible candidates should have a good command of English (B2 level) and meet one of the following:

  1. They Graduated from School of Medicine (they are Doctor of Medicine)
  2. They are University Graduates who also hold a Master of Science degree.
  3. They are University Graduates who also hold an intergraded Master of Science degree.
  4. They meet at least 2 of the eligibility criteria below:
    1. Their undergraduate degree scored in the upper 20% of the degree scale
    2. They authored one original research article in a journal catalogued in Medline or in Scopus, if the PhD subject is not indexed in Medline, or they authored two posters/presentations in international conferences but in two distinct subjects
    3. They were awarded excellence scholarships at least 2 years during their undergraduate studies
    4. They hold of a second University degree/BSc related to the theme of the PhD proposal

Candidates of categories 1,3 and 4 have to attend and be examined in two postgraduate courses (during theιr PhD studies) worth 8 ECTS.

For more information and application submissions contact:

Graduate Studies Office
University of Crete School of Medicine
P.O Box 2208, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Tel. +30 2810-394860

Please note:

  • The Application-PhD proposal submission form must also be submitted by e-mail (as a WORD document – no signatures).
  • Successful candidates must produce some identification (ID card/passport photocopies) upon registration
PhD Students


PhD Completion Requirements

  • Submit “Annual Progress Report DD & Annual Progress Evaluation Report DD”
  • Publication
    Part or all of the PhD findings must be published in a peer-reviewed journal which has an impact factor with the PhD candidate as first author (or second with an equal contribution with the first author).

    The “University of Crete School of Medicine” must be included in the authors’ affiliations (students from research centers outside UOC should use double affiliations mentioning both institutions they are affiliated with).

    Review papers and papers in journals which have any of the three members of the advisory committee as the editor or on the editorial board are not accepted.

  • Once you fulfill all the requirements you have to submit a “Seven member Examination Committee Application”
  • For PhD title and supervisor changes contact the graduate studies Office.

For more information and application submissions contact:

Graduate Studies Office
University of Crete School of Medicine
P.O Box 2208, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Tel. +30 2810-394620

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